This new website has been a long time coming. Ten years in fact. Since that time, technology has continued to evolve and change, and I have been (very) slow to adapt. It seems fitting to finally update my website at a time when my artwork is shifting and transitioning so dramatically.
I have thought of and labeled myself a printmaker since I graduated from undergrad at Wash U in St. Louis in 1996. I love making printmaking plates, exploring all the various materials, experimenting with inking techniques and especially working in multiples. But over the last five years I’ve felt the need to stretch and spread my wings.
Enter ceramics.
I am an elementary school visual art teacher, and in 2015 I invited the amazing ceramic artist Marie Gibbons to do a ceramics workshop with some of my students. Yes, I wanted my students to learn the medium, but I really wanted to learn some things about ceramics myself! I sat down with my students and learned alongside them as Marie taught us the basics about pinch, coil and slab. I was immediately hooked!
Fast forward to today. I’ve immersed myself in ceramics, taken several classes, joined Marie’s weekly clay club (aptly called the “Muddies”) and I’m loving exploring a new-to-me art medium that I never thought I’d enjoy!
I will always love printmaking. In fact, my new challenge is to merge printmaking and ceramics in some of my next pieces.
I hope you’ll follow me along in my journey.